
  • Dec/19



    Clinic Optical is now offering online contact lens service! From the comfort of home, you can now order contacts and receive appointment reminders when it’s close to exam time!

    Rebates and FREE shipping available with qualifying purchases.


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  • Sep/19


    Open House GGC Eyes & Clinic Optical

    Location: Graves Gilbert Clinic

    484 Golden Autumn Way Bowling Green, KY 42103

    Date: October 2nd

    Time: 3:00PM

    We will be having a ribbon cutting and open house to celebrate with community this exciting new move! There will be refreshments and candy bar available to everyone that comes. Clinic Optical will be doing a giveaway the day of the event for FREE Prescription SUNLENS! Along with the week of the event other great deals. Stay up to date on all social media for more information.


  • Sep/19


    We Moved!

    We’ve relocated!

    We are excited to announce that our GGC Eyes team and Clinic Optical have moved to a new location on Lovers Lane located between GGC WKONA and Liberty Financial. Our old office served us well and we made great memories there, but we couldn’t be more excited about our new location!

    Our new building is attached with the Greenview Surgery Center, making a great addition to eye procedures that need to be done, such as cataract surgery. We hope that this move is a more convenient location for our patients (in addition to new ones).

    We look at this location as a start of another chapter in our 20 plus year history! Here to help you with any questions regard the move or an appointment– call us directly at 270-780-2494 (GGC Eyes) or 270-780-0594 (Clinic Optical). We’d love to hear your feedback and questions in the comments on here or on our social media (Facebook, Google, Instagram).

    The new address is 484 Golden Autumn Way Bowling Green, KY 42103. Clinic Optical is located on the first floor to the right of the doors. To get to the Ophthalmology department– take the elevators around the corner from Clinic Optical– go to the 2nd floor, and look for ophthalmology check-in.

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